HCA Vanadzor will Conduct Observation Mission during Presidential Elections
09:58, January 16, 2013 | Press Release | Electoral RightsSince January1, 2013 Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly has been carrying out “Civil Oversight over Presidential Elections in 2013” in Lori and Tavoush regions.
The goal of the project is to contribute to holding free and fair elections in Lori and Tavoush regions.
Both long-term and short-term observation missions will be conducted within the scopes of the project.
11 LTOs will carry out observation of the election campaign conducted by the candidates, particularly; they will conduct interviews with the candidates for the President of the Republic, with the chairpersons of pre-election headquarters and staff members, the observers will also observe the meetings of candidates with the electorate.
60 – 70 STOs will carry out observation missions in 50 urban and rural communities of Lori and Tavoush regions/totally 50 precincts/.
Currently, the Central Electoral Commission has accredited 63 observers presented by the organization, while another 18 observers passed qualification training courses and took tests on January 14, 2013.
1 finalizing and 2 interim reports will be concluded based on the data gathered during the observation mission to be presented to the Central Electoral Commission and other stakeholder parties.
08000 12 11 toll-free hotline functions at HCA Vanadzor office through which citizens can voice about the electoral violations or receive free legal support over their rights to vote.
The project is being implemented with the financial aid of Counterpart International and Norwegian Helsinki Committee.