Within July 17-31, more than 675 people were taken to police stations illegally
16:17, August 4, 2016 | News, Other newsWithin July 17-31, 2016 more than 675 people were illegally taken to police stations and military units of internal troops, were illegally deprived of liberty, suffered beating, pressure and physical violence during protests… I urge everybody to submit individual complaints to the Special Investigation Service. Don’t hesitate and don’t fear! Remember that violation of rights may not be ignored. We struggle for a legal state, an important aspect of which is struggling for specific rights and where there is no place for distrust in the law enforcement system; it cannot serve for you as a reason for not submitting a complaint. The authorities committed massive violations of human rights and must get back their own reflection through your complaints. Let the SIS become overloaded with your applications…