Second Tailing Dump for Akhtala Mining Plant Constructed without Taking into Account the Opinion of Community Population
18:05, January 30, 2015 | News, Own news | Right to Respect for Private and Family LifeThe tailing dump of Akhtala mining plant is located at the boundary of Tchotchkan village of Lori Marz (region) and Mets Ayrum village of Tavush Marz. The tailing dump actually causes hazardous healthcare and agricultural factors for the population of the communities above.
The Commission under the RA Ministry of Territorial Administration and Emergency Situations issued a positive opinion /document name and terms; date of issue/ on constructing a new tailing dump for the Akhtala mining plant on the boundary of Tchotchkan and Mets Ayrum villages. This decision was taken without taking into account the opinion of the community population and without even discussing the issue with them.
Hence, the construction of the new tailing dump poses a new environmental problem for the population of the two communities concerned.
On January 29, 2015, Oleg Durgaryan, a village council member of Mets Ayrum and Head of the Community Mobilization and Support Center NGO, initiated a public debate on allocating land for construction of the tailing dump. According to O. Durgaryan, they were not notified whatsoever of the government decrees, and it was not clear whether the approved decrees were legal or whether their legal and social aspects were verified or not. He also mentioned that the village council was only notified that it should convene a session and make a decree on changing the category of the lands, so that they were later allocated to the mining plant.
The public discussions resulted in a decision to authorize an expert examination in the site, and the results of such examination will be decisive for the final opinion on allocating the land for construction of the tailing dump.
Gagik Shahnazaryan, PR Department Manager of Akhtala mining plant, who attended the public debate at the village municipality of the Mets Ayrum, presented to the villagers the objectives of constructing the tailing dump and the opportunities to be offered later to the residents of the community and emphasized the importance of the tailing dump. To the surprise of the villagers, G. Shahnazaryan mentioned that the tailing dump would inflict no damage to the health care, and the medical examinations as of the date showed no damage to the health of the local population. According to him, the new tailing dump to be constructed at a distance of some 2 km from Mets Ayrum village would make it possible to close the existing one located closer to the village. O. Durgaryan stated that there were neither any guarantees offered to the community population, nor any project to resolve the issues of the community.
The HCA Vanadzor will consistently follow up on protection of the rights of Mets Ayrum community residents to live in a healthy environment.
For details, see the video below: