Collaborative Design for Human Rights Park
00:00, May 10, 2011 | Press ReleaseOn Saturday, May 7,2011 Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Vanadzor held a Ground Breaking Ceremony for a Human Rights Park that will be built in the district of Taron IV.
The design of the park was taken from ideas originating from the citizens of Taron with a design schematic then prepared by Jane Britt Greenwood, AIA Fulbright scholar teaching at Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction, several of her students and Peace Corps volunteer Kathleen Lestina. The design will not impose on the natural beauty of the land. The site makes the best use of orientation to the sun, topography, wind, and is accessible by walking, public transportation and surrounded by neighborhood buildings. The team also carried out several public awareness activities among the Taron IV district residents and at schools # 16 and # 27, an educational meeting was held with the personnel and school children on human rights values and how they affect individuals and the population in general.
The park will provide an outdoor place where the community can gather and spend their leisure time, organize human rights related events, and spread values of human rights and democracy. An indispensible component of this collaborative park project is that the citizens take ownership and take pride in keeping their park clean, healthy, safe, and sustainable.
Taron IV district citizens, schoolchildren and staff from # 16 and # 27 schools and #1 night care center, NGOs and Mass media representatives were present at the Ground Breaking Ceremony. In honor of the day, 45 symbolic trees were planted. Each school had an opportunity to plant one tree with a tag identifying the school. It is anticipated that each tree planted in the park will signify andidentify a human right.