Educational Problems of the Residents of Temporary Dwellings
00:00, July 18, 2006 | News | Support for civil iniciativesOn July 15, 2006 the third TV program took place on Lori -TV on “Educational Problems of the Residents of Temporary Dwellings” within the framework of the project “Isolated Civilization” implemented by HCA Vanadzor.
The director of the educational centre “Zangakatun”, residents of temporary dwellings participated in the live program.
Through the program the residents of temporary dwellings presented several educational problems concerning their children. The following issues were discussed:
• which are the educational opportunities for the residents of temporary dwellings
• what educational problems these children face
• what steps are undertaken to solve the problems
Citizens had a chance to express their opinions on the above-mentioned issues through phone calls.
Educational opportunities: Education for each citizen of the Republic of Armenia is provided by the Constitution, where it is fixed that everyone has a right to education. The coordinator of HCA Vanadzor Arthur Sakunts thinks that the preconditions for the realization of that right are not provided. The majority of the children of the temporary dwellings mainly study in boarding schools. But according to the resolution of RA Government the process of closing boarding schools have started.
The director of the educational centre “Zangakatun” thinks that the opportunities of education for those children are rather limited.
The educational centre “Zangakatun” of Vanadzor deals with education of children from socially insecure families. They are provided with food, they are taught Mathematics, Psychology, Logics. About 100 children attend this centre.
The residents of temporary dwellings think that it does not matter where the child lives. The educational problems of everyone should be in the focus of attention. At the same time the residents mention that being aware of the social-economic problems of the residents of temporary dwellings, the authorities do not create extra opportunities for the education of these people.
The citizen who expressed his opinion through a phone call thinks that the parents themselves deprived their children of the education. They sold their houses and started to live in temporary places. “In this case the state must take some additional responsibilities”- Arthur Sakunts is sure. There should be some possibilities for social development so that the citizen will not have to sell his apartment to care for his food and health.
The director of the educational centre “Zangakatun” mentions that there is no much difference in the levels of education for the residents of permanent and temporary dwellings.
Educational Problems: The major educational problem for the children of temporary dwellings is the problem of their registration. The state does not register the grown up children of the temporary dwellings in that address and they do not have the opportunity to be registered in another address. Therefore, they do not have passports or social card. In this case, they cannot apply to Higher educational Institutions.
According to the residents of the temporary dwellings the main negative factor influncing the education of children are the conditions of the temporary places. Very often doing the lessons for a family with two or more schoolchildren becomes impossible. The illumination in the rooms is not enough and it obstacles studying process. The children have abilities but they do not have the chance to develop them. The treatment of teachers influences too. The children of socially secure families get private trainings, and teachers put them higher marks. The rest are out of attention.
A child called and presented the conditions of the place he lives. His family consists of 7 members and they live in a one-room apartment. As a family of many children no discount is made for the books in school.
Citizens say that their main problem is the size of the temporary dwelling. The children do not have a desk of their own, even a small corner for doing their lessons. This is the reason that the child goes to school without preparing his lessons. The teacher is not guilty.
A citizen called and asked the residents of temporary dwellings whether they complained about the teachers or that in schools money was collected, and he asked if “Zangakatun” centre was able to solve the problems of those families.
The director of the educational centre “Zangakatun” points out that NGOs try to solve the failings that are not paid attention to by the authorities. But they have more limited possibilities, and for such issues state competence is needed. The residents of temporary dwellings express their discontent for the knowledge given at school and for money collecting there.
Arthur Sakunts thinks that the school must be able to organize extracurricular lessons. There is a self-funding system in schools today. The school must solve the children’s problems itself, without asking the parents for money.
Organization of summer vacations for the children of temporary dwellings is also a problem. The children who live in permanent places at least have yards where they can play. The residents of temporary dwellings mention that their children do not have any opportunities except yard camps.