Customs union Archives

«Эти власти не дают оснований для оптимизма, чтобы соглашение было выполнено» (video)

UntitledvsСерж Саргсян своей властью завел нас, образно говоря, в закрытую структуру, похожую на уголовно-исполнительное учреждения, где открыл небольшое окно, откуда идет свежий воздух и свет, и начал прославлять этот шаг, рассматривая подписание соглашения ЕС-РА, – выражает свое мнение руководитель Ванадзорского офиса Хельсинкской гражданской ассамблеи Артур Сакунц.

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Illegal massive exaction is state “racketeering”

Картинки по запросу ավելացված արժեքի հարկOn February 8, 2016, news website published a news release entitled “EEU Minister: Armenia levies illegal tax” mentioning that during the teleconference among Moscow, Yerevan and Astana, Tatyana Valovaya, Minister of EEU Integration and Macroeconomics, stated that levying 20-percent VAT by Armenia on vehicles imported from EEU countries contradicted the legal and contractual framework of the Union. In her speech, T. Valovaya also mentioned a similar precedent in Kazakhstan, which was prevented.

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President’s Actions and Inaction Remain Indisputable

180970The RA Constitutional Court rejected to start investigation of the case upon application by the HCA Vanadzor.

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EEU untied Azerbaijan’s hands: attacks will continue

arm142062520756The current tension on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border has resulted from the incompetent, poor and weak-willed foreign policy of the Armenian authorities. This opinion is held by Artur Sakunts, Chairman of the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Vanadzor who in his interview to mentioned that such incidents are inevitable as a consequence of Armenia’s isolation from the international community.

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eastern_partnership_civil_society_forumSigning of the agreement to join the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) by Armenia on October 10, 2014 disrupted the country’s course of establishment and strengthening of democratic institutions, as well as social, economic, and other sectors; a course which is difficult but has no alternatives.

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Евразийская интеграция: Ереван берет тайм-аут?

0,,15928133_303,00На встречах в Ереване министра иностранных дел России Сергея Лаврова с его армянским коллегой Эдвардом Налбандяном и президентом Армении Сержем Саргсяном обсуждались, как было сказано на итоговой пресс-конференции в понедельник, 23 июня, важные вопросы двусторонней повестки. Речь шла об экономическом и военно-техническом сотрудничестве.

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Is Russia Seeking to “Neutralize” Armenian Civil Society?

Russian Ambassador Ivan Volinkin’s recent call “to neutralize” Western-funded non-governmental organizations in Armenia is stoking fears among Armenian activists that the country’s pending membership in the Moscow-led Customs Union will prompt a rollback of civil rights.

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Russian ambassador to Armenia is in anguish – human rights advocate

208036YEREVAN. – Russia’s Ambassador to Armenia Ivan Volinkin has left his diplomatic status and is in violation of the Constitution of Armenia.

Human rights advocate Artur Sakunts told the aforementioned to Armenian, commenting on the Russian diplomat’s statement that  those NGOs in Armenia that want to drive a wedge into Russian-Armenian relations should be neutralized.

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Family Picked Up by Police on Day of Putin’s Visit to Armenia Submit 2 Lawsuits Against Police

khudoyan1 Two lawsuits have been sent to the general jurisdiction and administrative courts on destruction of property and the use of force against the Khudoyan family protesting outside the presidential palace on December 2, 2013, the day of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Armenia. This news was conveyed to by Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly (HCA) Vanadzor office employe Tatevik Siradeghyan.

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Armenia has no prospects of joining Customs Union – Andrias Ghukasyan

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Armenia has no prospects of joining the Customs Union. And it is really good because it involves Nagorno-Karabakh, which is of paramount importance for Armenia, political scientist Andrias Ghukasyan told

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