March 1 Archives

The SIS keeps providing abstract answers to specific questions; there is no progress in regard to the case of March 1

The RA Special Investigation Service has been providing the same answer to the inquiries by HCA Vanadzor in regard to the investigative actions taken to find out the circumstances of the death of the victims of March 1, 2008: “The criminal cases instituted in regard to the mass disorders of March 1 and the deaths of 10 individuals.” As for … Continue reading

RA SIS assures: investigative actions on March 1 case are taken but cannot be disclosed

In response to HCA Vanadzor’s inquiry on the investigative actions taken in 2016 to establish the death circumstances of the ten victims of March 1, 2008, the suspects and accused involved in the initiated criminal proceedings and the charges brought against them, the RA Special Investigation Service again stated that the preliminary investigation was in progress but due to the secrecy of preliminary investigation they could disclose no information on the actions taken.

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Nine years after March 1, 2008 state terrorism against RA citizens, law-enforcement bodies do not consider it “necessary” to investigate the case and bring those guilty to justice

March-1copyNine years have already passed since March 1, 2008. The state terrorism against the unarmed Armenian citizens on that day and during the subsequent 20 days led and ordered by Robert Kocharyan has not received any legal assessment so far; the circumstances of at least 10 victims’ death are not revealed and no one faced criminal responsibility.

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4 villages in Lori marz (region) use the services of one medical center; the ambulance reaches to their help from Vanadzor

M. Ghumashyan from Margahovit village in Lori marz (region) consulted HCA Vanadzor and said that the ambulance car of their village had not been in use for over 6 months without any grounds and the ambulance cars from Vanadzor could not reach them in a short time, which led to tragic consequences.

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