Defense attorney urged Shant Harutyunyan to stop the hunger strike
08:47, January 11, 2014 | News, Other news | Political PrisonersNot long ago Shant Harutyunyan’s advocate Inesa Petrosyan submitted a claim to the Court of Appeals appealing the decision of the court of first instance on selecting detention as a preventive measure in relation to Harutyunyan. Shant Harutyunyan’s advocate Inesa Petrosyan told about it. However, Inesa Petrosyan met with Shant Harutyunyan at “Yerevan-Kentron” Penitentiary prior to that and urged him to stop the 15-day going hunger strike. “However, he unfortunately turned my request down and continues it until present. He demands abrogating the interdict to have a meeting with his relatives and stop the illegalities exerted against him”, passed the advocate stressing that Shant Harutyunyan has significantly wasted away and lost weight: The fact that Shant Harutyunyan had grown worn-out, also told us Chairman of the Public Monitoring Group at detention facilities of the MoJ Artur Sakunts, who had a meeting with him on January 7.